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Archives: Events

Pack Calendar

Den Meeting

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church 11565 66th Ave N, Seminole, FL, United States

Weekly Den Meeting. Please check with your den leaders for the time and place including the activity for your scout.

Den Meeting

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church 11565 66th Ave N, Seminole, FL, United States

Weekly Den Meeting. Please check with your den leaders for the time and place including the activity for your scout.

Aiming for the Arrow Campout

SandHill Scout Reservation 11210 Cortez Blvd, Brooksville, FL, United States

Webelos and Arrow of Light scouts are welcome to attend the Withlacoochee District Aiming for the Arrow, Unsolved Mysteries!. Cubs will use their scout skills to solve scouting mysteries while working in a patrol method setting. By solving these mysteries they will learn the skills that they will need to know to earn their Arrow of Light. This will give them an insight of the scouting traditions to be successful in Scouts BSA. The Cub Scouts will be taught the patrol method and will be using this skill through out the day within the activities. The Cub Scouts will experience different activities for first-aid and other outdoor camping experiences. This camping experience is for Webelos and Arrow of Light scouts only.

RSVP Now Free 9 spots left

Den Meeting

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church 11565 66th Ave N, Seminole, FL, United States

Weekly Den Meeting. Please check with your den leaders for the time and place including the activity for your scout.

Second Achievement Ceremony

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church 11565 66th Ave N, Seminole, FL, United States

Please come out and see your scout's hard earned work be recognized!

Pack Campout

Pack 431 is planning their fall Campout! Location TBD

Den Meeting

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church 11565 66th Ave N, Seminole, FL, United States

Weekly Den Meeting. Please check with your den leaders for the time and place including the activity for your scout.